Our Story

From the beginning, our love has grown through the soil and gardens we’ve tended together as well as through dedication to preserving our delicious harvest.

Hello, beautiful people! Our names are Paige & Tyra. From the beginning, our love has grown through the soil and gardens we’ve tended together as well as through dedication to preserving our delicious harvest. Our time and energy have gone into showing up for each other and our neighbors, family, and friends through gifted food preserves of all kinds – pickles, soup mixes, jams and jellies, bbq sauce, spice mixes, fire ciders, and other garden treasures. Our gifts from the kitchen often make people lean over and ask: Can I Have Some? 

Our relationship is, intrinsically, creative and fun. Further, it’s filled with great people and bountiful produce coming our way. CanIHaveSome is a wonderful mashup venture of all that goodness. The goal here is to have fun with what we have and all that we are given by our garden (and sometimes our neighbors!). The goal here is not to stress over deadlines, consistent product stock, and fiscal growth (though some of that would be helpful to sustain us). We want this to be something meaningful, intentional and, most of all, fluid through the seasons. We hope you will join us in the kitchen or at the market some time soon.

Hugs all around,

- Paige & Tyra

We are Native-owned and Queer-owned. We value togetherness, preservation, and support for Queer & BIPOC farmers & gardeners around the region.