Our Preserves

In a lot of ways, our products are head turners. They incorporate unlikely ingredients that are personal to us and seasonably accessible at the time of creation. For this reason, no one product line is the same and we are always adapting to what’s in front of us. As said in Our Story, we often get the question: “Can I Have Some?” We are known to ask this of each other in a quick and soft tone when we see something yummy the other person has cooked up. We are always interested in sampling. We took that little question and solidified it as a punny title for our canning business. Now we have a comeback to any grammar critic, like from Paige’s mom and a cute story. Can I Have Some? Yes, you may. 

Can I Have Some? Yes, you may.

Online pick-up orders will begin after our first vendor season. For now, see below for an overview of what you will see at the market this summer!
For an updated product list, follow us on Instagram.