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Ȟaȟá Wakpádaŋ Loopet Loppet

The newly named Ȟaȟá Wakpádaŋ Loopet Loppet (Dakota name for Bassett Creek) will be held on October 19.

All events will start and finish at the Trailhead, where there will be an Indigenous People’s festival for everyone to enjoy. It will feature Native vendors, chefs, running groups, artists, storytellers, and community partners. Take part in sharing Dakota traditions through education, crafts and games.

Partners will be on-site to help us practice saying Ȟaȟá Wakpádaŋ, the creek’s Dakota name that loosely translates as “Falls Creek.” You can learn more in this 2-minute YouTube video, “How to Pronounce Ȟaȟá Wakpádaŋ,” by filmmaker Tiana LaPointe (Sicangu Lakota).  

October 19

Midtown Farmers Market 10/19

October 24

Four Sisters Farmers Market